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Admire the beautiful wilderness from the air while experiencing flight in an aviation legend. Take off in a genuine 1942 warbird aeroplane and enjoy aerobatics and combat manoeuvring that is synonymous with fighter pilots of the Second World War.
Step back in time and experience the thrill of high G aerobatics and combat manoeuvring as you take flight in a 1942 warbird aeroplane.
Meticulously restored to its original condition, this actual aeroplane was used by the United Stated Army Air Force during WW2 to train fighter pilots for frontline combat.
Jump in the cockpit of this incredible T6 Texan and listen to a full safety and manoeuvre briefing from your pilot to understand all aspects of the flight.
Feel the power of the classic Pratt and Whitney 600hp radial engine on your 20 minute expedition and enjoy aerobatics such as the Loop the Loop and the famous Victory Roll.
In the event of inclement weather your experience may be cancelled. In this case, you will be contacted by the experience provider and rescheduled.
When purchasing this adventure flight experience, please understand that in accordance with CASA CASR 132.150: · The design, manufacture and airworthiness of the aircraft are not required to meet any safety standard recognised by CASA; and · The aircraft is not required by CASA to be operated to the same safety standards as an aircraft used for regular public transport or charter operations; and · Travel in the aircraft is done at the passenger’s own risk; and · A more detailed briefing about the safety of the aircraft will be given to the passenger before the passenger boards the aircraft
This experience is located in Camden Airport, NSW.