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Discover the essence of the pristine Australian bush on a canoeing safari on the beautiful Goulburn River in Northern Victoria. You'll paddle into the Lower Goulburn National Park, a natural habitat for many species of water and forest birds, and you may even spot shy platypuses.
Your half day canoeing adventure starts at Wyuna on the Lower Gouburn River National Park, which is 25-km east of Echuca and just over two hours due north from Melbourne. On the day, meet your experience providers on the Murray Valley Highway and follow them to Yambuna Bridge where your vehicle is safely parked. They will then drive you upstream the appropriate distance and after being fitted with safety vests, and dry bags for cameras and other personal items you paddle off downstream on your adventure towards the bridge. The river in this region is ideal for canoeing with only canoes and some local fishermen to be seen. The pristine red gum forest supports a wide variety of water and forest birds, and if you're really lucky you may get a glimpse of a shy platypus or two.
This voucher is valid for two people.
This experience is subject to the weather. Please phone the experience provider the day before your trip to check the conditions. In the event of poor weather, you will be rescheduled for a later date.
Please wear comfortable clothing and old footwear. Don't forget a good hat and sunscreen.
The provider is a fully accredited local tourism operator with over 10 years experience in the region. Please bring along any food or beverages you may require as they are not supplied.
This experience takes place in Wyuna-Yambuna on the Lower Goulburn River, VIC.