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The magnificent Clyde River estuary system is home to some of the most successful oyster farmers on the South Coast of NSW. Paddle and taste the romance of the finest oysters from the purest Australian waters. Join 4th generation oyster farmers for an insight into Australia's oyster coast.
This kayak tour starts with introduction of the equipment and paddle practice, prior to slipping onto the calm smooth waters of the Clyde River in your double sea kayak. In no time, you will become part of the successful story that is oyster farming on the Clyde River, Batemans Bays largest estuary system. Learn about the local cultivation techniques, the science behind farming, oyster varieties and life as an oyster farmer from Jade, Greg and Enola from the Oyster Shed on Wray Street. Be treated to the freshest oysters you can, taken from the river that morning. Oysters are offered for sale on this experience. The provider can load as many dozen as you wish in your stable double sea kayak.
This experience is part of the Responsible range because they are ECO certified by Ecotourism Australia.
This voucher is valid for two people on a double kayak.
Dress for an active outdoor adventure, wear a hat, sunscreen and sunglasses.
This experience departs from Batemans Bay, NSW.