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Enjoy a guided distillery tour and tasting at Ginny's lounge, a baroque bar located In the heart of Brunswick East. Learn all about what makes these gins award winning, both within Australia and worldwide, before savouring a tasting paddle, featuring the signatures blends.
Tucked away down a quiet street in Brunswick East, Ginny's Lounge at Brunswick Aces was the first non-alcoholic bar to open in Australia. On this Distillery Tour and tasting experience, you’ll discover the history of Brunswick Aces, and learn all about the international and national award winning gins. Discover the unique bottles at Ginny’s Lounge, designed specifically with a full measuring jigger in every lid to ensure you can pour the perfect drink every time. At the conclusion of the tour, you’ll be treated to a guided tasting of the signature Spades, Diamonds and Hearts Gins, capturing the essence of Spring, Summer and Winter with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic blends.
Please allow 45 min hour for this experience.
The experience takes place in Ginny's Lounge at Brunswick Aces in Brunswick East.