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Explore the tranquillity and beauty of the Murray River by canoe, meandering at your own pace on this self-guided tour. Enjoy a picnic on the way, soaking up the scenery and slow, relaxed pace of nature. In warmer months freshen up with a swim in the river, washing all of life's stress away.
Head to Dwellingup and explore the tranquillity of the beautiful Murray River on a 4.5 hour self guided paddle and tour. Meet at the award winning Dwellingup Trails and Visitors Centre to collect the canoe and get fitted out with all your safety equipment before your canoeing adventure. Meander down the Murray River and paddle at your own pace as you navigate the long pools, fast water channels and small rapids along the forest lined riverbanks. Stop along the way for a picnic (provided) and take a moment to absorb the serenity of this beautiful location. In the warmer months, you may like to take a refreshing swim before paddling to the finish point at Dwaarlindjirraap (Baden Powell) where you rendezvous with Dwellingup Adventures and your vehicle.
The duration of this experience is 4.5 hours. The tour starts at 10.30am and finishes by 3pm on the same day. Tours are dependent upon natural river levels, usually September to May is suitable (excluding very dry periods in December and January). Please try a later time when booking if you are having trouble. Dwellingup Adventures operates 7 days a week, all year. This tour is run on-demand.
Not for under 4 years. Maximum weight: 1 person kayak-100kg. 2 person canoe-160kg. 3 person canoe-260kg.
Minimum number: 1 Maximum number: 20
Spectators may choose to wait at the finish point, enjoying the river and picnic areas.
This tour runs most of the year, regardless of weather unless the experience provider deem the tour to be unsafe. This may happen due to severe weather, fire, river or other conditions. Participants should be prepared for any weather.
Participants should wear clothing appropriate for the weather conditions. Participants should always be prepared to get wet, just in case. In colder months wetsuits are recommended and can be hired from Dwellingup Adventures. In warmer months bathers, shorts and sun protection are recommended. Long pants/jeans/track suits are never a good idea. Bare legs dry quicker. Covered footwear is a must. Avoid thongs or sandals that can slip off. Shoes will get wet.
Lane Poole Reserve entry fees are not included in the tour cost. Rates in 2024 are $17 per vehicle (up to 11 seats) or $8 per person (more than 12 seats). Concessions available. For more information visit
This experience takes place in Dwellingup, located 90 minutes from Perth.