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This Blue Mountains tour from Sydney is a fantastic day out! Be picked up from the city in a luxury vehicle, and discover the wild diversity of the wonderful Blue Mountains. Visit Katoomba, see the infamous Three Sisters, feed a kangaroo and get back to nature with some short bush walks.
On this Blue Mountains tour, you will explore the Blue Mountains as they should be seen - from secluded lookouts, short bushwalks and pristine valleys that let you take in this million-acre wilderness area. You will explore some areas that are off the beaten track, letting you experience the Blue Mountains in an authentic way, finding incredible out of the way spots that you just couldn't discover yourself.
The day begins by taking in the variety of views in the lower Blue Mountains area. Your experienced guide will also take you exploring to some of their favourite locations and spectacular bush walks. At Echo Point, beside the famous Three Sisters rock formation, you will hear some of the Aboriginal legends of the area. At lunchtime, you will stop in one of the mountain villages, a great place to wander to enjoy the shops and galleries. In the afternoon, you'll head down from the mountains for a hands-on Australian native wildlife encounter and the chance feed Kangaroos and have your photo taken with a Koala at Featherdale Wildlife Park!
Children must be accompanied by a full paying adult. Tour is not suitable for children under 5 years of age.
There are only up to 23 people per group. This price is for one person.
The tour will be modified to keep dry in the case of wet weather.
Dress casually, but don't forget, it is the Blue Mountains - bring a few extra layers!
Bring your camera - you'll need it!
This experience departs Sydney and takes you to popular and lesser known regions of the Blue Mountains, NSW.