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Get ready for an awesome day on the slopes! Departing from Melbourne CBD, head to Mt Buller for a full day of skiing or snowboarding. Entry fees are included as well as a 20% discount on any equipment that you hire. Welcome to all ages and experience levels, lessons are available for beginners.
This experience departs Melbourne at 4:45am and heads directly for Mansfield, reaching the destination at approximately 7:30am. For those that require ski equipment or clothing, there will be a stop at Discount Ski Hire. After a scenic journey up the mountain, you will reach the main car park by 9am. Once on the mountain the day is all yours to experience the wonderful views, explore the area and ski or snowboard the slopes. A free shuttle bus operates from the car park to the village and smaller shuttle busses operate within the village. There are numerous shops and restaurants within the village if you are looking to take a break. For those that need lessons, there are various sessions that operate during the day (at your own cost). At 4pm you will begin the drive back to Melbourne.
This voucher is valid for one person. There will be other participants on the day.
Please dress accordingly. If you need to hire ski equipment or clothing, there will be a stop on the way.
This experience takes place at Mt Buller, departing from Melbourne CBD, VIC.