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Ever fantasised about making fresh gnocchi at home? With this Italian pasta making class you finally can. You'll even have a go at making other favourites such as ravioli, tortellini and more. Buon appetito!
Does your mind sometimes wonder down memory lane, weaving in and out of tiny Italian streets hunting for the best gnocchi in town?
Now you can bring the memory home after you learn how to cook exactly how the classic Italian restaurants do.
Fresh homemade pasta - perfect for impressing family, friends and even yourself!
You’ll learn how to master gnocchi, ravioli and tortellini with exciting sauces to complement.
Your Italian master chef will even teach you a few cheats to help you make authentic Italian restaurant quality pasta you crave at home.
This two and a half hour lesson is located opposite The Oaks Hotel in Neutral Bay and is easy to get to by bus or car.
Please advise any dietary requirements or allergies at the time of booking.
This class runs with between 8-12 participants.
Comfortable closed toe shoes are suggested.
This experience is located in Neutral Bay, Sydney.