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Experience the thrill of scuba diving with this Discover Scuba course where you'll learn the basics on land before getting equipped and diving in to explore Sydney's captivating marine life. A 45 minute ocean dive off the coast of the world-famous Bondi Beach, this guided dive is one to remember.
Are you seeking an unforgettable adventure that gives you a chance to uncover a whole new world of wonder beneath the ocean's surface? This experience is perfect for those who have always been curious about what lies beneath the waves but have never had the chance to experience it first-hand; an introductory course that will give you a taste of the thrill of exploring the underwater world, forever.
Before your dive begins you'll receive a brief lesson on scuba diving basics, including how to use the equipment and follow safety guidelines. Then, when you're feeling confident and fully prepared, it's time to dive in!
Your dive instructor will guide you through the stunning underwater world of Bondi Beach, one of Australia's most iconic locations. As you explore the vibrant marine life, you'll feel weightless and free in a way that can't be matched on land. This is an unforgettable journey that will stay with you long after you've resurfaced.
You can only fly on a plane or drive to altitude, 12 hours after the scuba dive.
We will need a minimum of one and maximum of two persons.
If weather conditions are not suitable and Dive Centre Bondi cancels, you will be entitled to a store credit or refund.
All you need to bring is your swimmers or bathing suit and a towel. Sunscreen and other forms of sun protection (hat, long sleeved tee, etc) are also recommended.
This experience takes place in Sydney, NSW.