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Take the ride of a lifetime in a L-39 Jet Fighter. Be Top Gun for the day and experience the enormous 4000lbs of thrust and a series of high 'G' combat manoeuvres at speeds of up to 970km/h.
When you arrive at the base you will receive a full safety and mission brief, followed by your final brief in the cockpit of the aircraft. When you strap into the Jet Fighter in full military flight suit and helmet, you will feel the enormous 4000lbs. of thrust spooling up as you take the RIDE OF A LIFETIME! This mission will have you on the edge of your seat as you perform a series of high ‘G’ combat manoeuvres at speeds of up to 970km/h before rolling in on your target to defend the skies This flight is tailored for you so it can be as mild or as wild as you want! You will be in constant communication with your pilot at all times, who is one of Australia's top fighter pilots. You will have several photo opportunities so don’t forget your camera!
You will be one on one with your fighter pilot.
In the event of rain or inclement weather your experience will still go ahead unless contacted by the experience provider.
Enclosed footwear, appropriate clothing for the day, preferably cotton shirts and jeans.
Military aircraft are built and tested to different standards than that put forward by CASA or any equivalent international civil aviation governing body. As such, in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Regulation Parts 132.140, 150 and 132.155: The design, manufacture and airworthiness of the aircraft are not required to meet any standard recognized by CASA; CASA does not require the aircraft to be operated to the same degree of safety as an aircraft used for regular public transport or charter operations; The passenger agrees to participate in this flight at his or her own risk; If it is reasonable to believe that a passenger cannot understand the safety briefing; said passenger must be accompanied on the flight by a parent, guardian, or carer; A more detailed briefing will be provided to the passenger before they board the aircraft.
This experience departs from Wangaratta Airport VIC.