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Count down the end of the day cruising on board a vintage timber sailing vessel down the canals of Mooloolaba. Enjoy a complimentary drink upon arrival, graze on an individually-made platter and bop to the relaxing tunes of live music as you watch the sun slip into the sea.
Soak up the last few hours of sunshine with this sunset cruise in Mooloolaba aboard a 114-year-old timber sailing vessel. Be greeted with a complimentary glass of champagne or craft beer on arrival, before finding a spot on the vessel to watch Mother Nature's daily light show. As you cruise down the canals, enjoy the sweet tunes of live music and graze on an individually-made platter. Feel free to purchase more drinks at the onboard licensed bar to cheers to the incredible sunset.
No smoking is permitted on the vessel.
Change your booking up to 48 hours before the start time of your experience Changes are not permitted within 48 hours of your experience Late arrivals or no shows may result in you forfeiting your experience
Minimum of six and maximum of 28 participants.
Passengers will be notified by email and text if the cruise is cancelled due to weather.
Dress according to the weather conditions on the day. White sole shoes only.
This experience takes place in Mooloolaba, QLD.