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Experience your own African adventure with an Off Road Safari at Werribee Open Range Zoo. You will be completely immersed in the sights, smells and sounds of the savannah as you travel across the Zoo's open plains. This is truly an unforgettable experience, only 30 minutes from centre of Melbourne.
Experience your own African style safari with an this off road animal spotting adventure. In this behind-the-scenes encounter you will meet an expert guide and board a specially designed open vehicle which accommodates only 20 people. Heading off road you will be completely immersed in the sights, smells and sounds of the savannah as you travel across the Zoo's open plains spotting rhinoceros, giraffe, zebra and antelopes! Imagine being surrounded by magnificent wildlife and taking the perfect safari photo just 30 minutes from Melbourne's city centre.
Important things you need to know
Terms and conditions
The Off Road Safari caters for up to 20 passengers. Zoos Victoria reserves the right to fill any tour vacancies.
Zoos Victoria reserves the right to cancel an experience due to an animal welfare issue or weather issue.
The Off Road Safari tour is an outdoor activity, visitors should dress appropriately.
Bring you camera in order to capture the moment!
This experience takes place in Werribee, VIC.