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With the most exciting game zones and best equipment in Australian paintball, get your mates together for an adrenaline-fuelled session of paintball action in Brisbane for up to eight players. Live out your battlefield fantasy in real time with a half day paintball game and 100 paintballs each!
Gone are the days of playing behind trees, hay bales and tyre piles. Incredible movie-set quality game zones enable Delta Force customers to play on the very best themed scenarios in Australia, including Tomb Raider with a Giant Stone Pyramid, Resident Evil and much more. Armour up for an action packed group paintball experience for you and 7 of your closest friends and family in Petrie, Brisbane. Let loose and run wild in themed movie set style game zones for a half day of game time. Each player is loaded up with 100 paintballs each as you determine who will be the winning team player of them all. This experience is for a group of eight players.
If anyone fails to attend the event on the date you have booked, the prepayment and paintballs for that person will be forfeited for the day. All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
There is a maximum of 8 participants for this package
The games go ahead regardless, in all weather conditions. All the game zones are outdoors, but there are sheltered areas and lockers in the base camp where you can store your gear between games.
Players should wear old, comfortable clothing and may also want to bring a change of clothes for the conclusion of the game. The most suitable footwear would be a light boot, but old trainers are most commonly worn.
This experience takes place in Petrie, near Brisbane QLD. From Brisbane, travel along the M1 until the heart of Petrie, take the roundabout to Dayboro Road for 13km and take a right turn on to Shea Road. After 450m, Shea Road becomes Theodore Road. Follow this for 2.4kms then make a turn on to Neilson Road. Continue for 900m, across the electricity easement and shortly after you will see the Paintball Centre entrance on your right. Follow the signs to the carparking area.