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Appreciate the true essence of Italian food at Italian Street Kitchen Neutral Bay and savour the rich flavours of age old recipes over three premium courses, shared with someone special. Enjoy a relaxed setting where you can connect with your loved one over food made with Nonna's special touch.
Let your tastebuds run wild as you experience authentic Italian food like you've never experienced before. Behind Italian Street Kitchen Neutral Bay are a group of talented chefs who have mastered their craft and aspire to bring outstanding Italian dishes to the table, underpinned by the highest quality Italian ingredients. This premium three-course sharing menu has been especially curated for true lovers of Italian food. Be transported right to the heart of Italy as your palate encounters the rich and authentic flavours of real and honest Italian cooking. Take the time to appreciate the beautiful harmony of Italian flavours, tried and tested from recipes passed down from generation to generation, as well as beautiful moments with your special someone as you connect and bond in a fun and relaxed atmosphere over good food.
Isabella's Esclusiva Sharing Menu
This voucher is valid for two people.
This experience takes place in Neutral Bay, NSW.