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Escape to Flinders for a deluxe stay at Quarters at Flinders Hotel with continental breakfast. Enjoy a guaranteed premium room upgrade, chilled bottle of Australian sparkling wine and hand-crafted chocolates. Enjoy your room a little longer with a leisurely 12noon check-out.
Experience the charm of the Mornington Peninsula with a deluxe overnight stay at the boutique Quarters at Flinders Hotel. Snuggle up to enjoy the bottle of chilled Australian sparkling wine and local artisan chocolates awaiting in your premium room. Enjoy an in-room continental breakfast, and with a leisurely 12noon check-out, you can take your time to explore the picturesque village of Flinders, where the scenic hinterland meets the stunning beaches of Bass Strait and Western Port. Discover art galleries, homeware stores, historic maritime tales and scenic coastal walks. Venture beyond the Flinders township and discover renowned local wineries like Foxeys Hangout, Point Leo Estate and Montalto, as well as stellar golf courses and the Peninsula Hot Springs.
Escape to Flinders to relax, unwind and live the Mornington Peninsula life. Located just 90mins drive from Melbourne, Quarters at Flinders Hotel is the perfect destination for mini-getaway.
Room Facilities
Hotel Facilities
Not available Fri 24 January and Sat 25 January
Quarters at Flinders Hotel reception is open from 7am-8pm daily. If you're arriving to the hotel outside of those hours, please contact the hotel so our staff can make alternative arrangements for your after-hours arrival.
This experience is for two people
Smart casual attire for Quarters at Flinders Hotel
This experience takes place in the Mornington Peninsula, VIC