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Enjoy two of Melbourne's finest attributes during this beer and sport tour. Explore behind the scenes of the Melbourne Cricket Ground and a local craft brewery. Includes a lunch with a drink a brewery tour and tasting paddle.
Visit the venues that play host to some of Australia's favourite sporting events. Sit in the coach's box, media centres and exclusive member areas, smell the liniment in the change rooms and walk on the hallowed turf. See Flemington Racecourse, home of the Melbourne Cup and the race that stops the nation, pass by the Commonwealth Games 2006 Village and drive around the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit, plus a behind the scenes tour of the MCG. Your local sport-mad guide provides you with the history behind the venues and the sport. Enjoy lunch and a small, independent brewery. Groups are guided through the brewing process and given the chance to taste a variety of beer styles.
Participants must be 18 years and over for this experience; photo ID maybe required.
Minimum of six and a maximum of 21 participants.
This experience operates in rain, hail or shine however please ensure appropriate clothing is worn in wet weather (rain jacket/umbrella) as parts of the tour are outside.
Open toe shoes/sandals are not permitted within brewing production area. MCG tour includes numerous stairs. Parts of the tour are outdoors so please ensure suitable clothing is worn.
This experience takes place in Melbourne, VIC.