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Climb to the top of the tower to experience the Bungy Jump of a lifetime! Whether you decide to touch the water when you Bungy Jump or to remain dry, this Jump is definitely going to get the adrenalin pumping. If extreme sports are your thing, you just can't miss out on the tower Bungy Jump!
Climb to the top of the tower to experience the Bungy Jump of a lifetime! Whether you decide to touch the water when you Bungy Jump or to remain dry, this Jump is definitely going to get the adrenalin pumping. If extreme sports are your thing, you just can't miss out on the tower Bungy Jump!
The price quoted is for one person.
This experience is available in all weather
Casual and comfortable.
There are over 16 different styles of jumps available for you to choose from. You will be requested to sign a waiver form prior to your experience. Speciality jumps may incur additional costs.
This experience takes place 15 minutes north of Cairns, Queensland.