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Discover the Yarra Valley in style! Your chauffeur will collect you from Melbourne CBD. Spend a day exploring the beautiful Yarra Valley, followed by a three-course restaurant lunch with cocktails. You'll fall in love with this stunning region.
Your trip begins at 9:30am, when your private chauffeur will collect you from Melbourne CBD and whisk you away to the stunning Yarra Valley countryside to enjoy an iconic signature cocktail for 10.30am, paired with fresh Devonshire tea of scones, jam and cream for 2, get ready for a sweet day of indulgence. Your next visit of sweet decadence to enjoy is a private chocolate tasting experience for 2, so many selections, journey through chocolate history, explore new flavour combinations, dark, milk, creamy delicious combinations new and full of surprises. Take some time to shop for that extra special treat or gift to share.
Then, onto Domaine Chandon to experience a unique French-style made champagne cocktail each at your private table while relaxing with a 3 course decadent lunch of seasonal fair, enjoy the panoramic breath taking views over the vines, Mountain ranges in the distance, this is a truly beautiful and majestic property to behold . After lunch is dedicated to more cocktail tasting experiences with 2 locations, including a choice of gin, vodka or vermouth-based cocktails. You may choose flavours that are new and exciting or a classic like G & T, Negroni, or Espresso Martini. There are plenty of contemporary styles, combinations with a twist its hard to resist, experienced bartenders are on hand to serve or explore your inner cocktail passions. Enjoy this day of total cocktail indulgence!
This is a private experience; you will be the only people in the car.
Umbrellas will be supplied for rainy days.
Smart casual dress is preferred.
This experience takes place in Yarra Valley, VIC. You will be collected from Melbourne CBD.