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Glide along the stunning waterways of the Central Coast and experience all the spectacular scenery and wildlife from the comfort of your kayak. Take a break and relax on a secluded beach and enjoy a fresh local seafood picnic.
Departing from Woy Woy on the Central Coast, this five hour gentle paddle explores the scenic, sheltered waterways of Brisbane Waters and Woy Woy Bay. Marvel at local oyster farms and pelican breeding grounds, as well as the spectacular natural beauty of the region. Take a break and relax on a secluded beach in Waterfall Bay and enjoy a fresh local seafood picnic. You’ve earned it!
The tour is set at a leisurely pace and is suitable for those with a moderate level of fitness, covering a total of 10km.
Please note that this experience is seasonal and does not operate during winter.
Minimum of six participants. The tour may be rescheduled if minimum numbers are not met.
Suitable for all weather conditions.
Please bring swimmers and a towel, walking shoes plus some form of footwear that can get wet.
Experience is not available during NSW school holidays and public holidays
This experience takes place on the Central Coast, NSW.